I saw this awesome dog yesterday named Coco that needs adopting, she's half-chihuahua, half mini-pinzer, and 100% awesome. I would have adopted her except it's not really fair to make an animal live in the squalor I live in. So unless everyone who reads this wants to chip in so I can buy a house, I can't get Coco. There was also an amazing half-pug/half cocker spaniel who was named "Pug" who I am also in love with. It was an awesome, awesome looking beast.
Also, I went to the zoo and some goats licked food off my hand.
I'm humid.
p.s. oh yeah also there was an awesome Jack Russell named Bandit. If everyone chips in 400 bucks to buy me a house, I will adopt all three of the dogs I just mentioned. Okay? Thanks! I'd really appreciate it, cause those were some fine doggies, and the whole time I was at the zoo I kept going "I wonder what Coco would think of that elephant!"
12:04 p.m. - 2001-07-23