Well I put a secret thing in the last crappy entry but noone noticed it I guess, so I took it out of that one and put it in this.
Anyhow, on to the goods: For the last day or so, my left hand thumb/forefinger smell funny if I rub them together, sort of like smoke. I've washed them with strong soap a bunch of times but it does nothing, they still smell odd when I rub them together. It's not really a terrible smell, but it's compelling me to re-check it all the time, so for the past day I've been sniffing my fingers way way too often (I normally like to limit it to a few times a day). I don't know where this smell comes from, but I am guessing that either my guitar strings are too dirty and need to be changed, or maybe my body is just reacting weirdly because I've been trying to quit (or at least slow down greatly) eating chips and chocolate bars. It's possible that over a period of many years, my body has become so used to a steady stream of chips, candy and chocolate, that the slowdown of that stream is causing my body to get confused and start breaking down from the inside out. I'm scared of what might happen if I ate any vegetables too, I think I'd go into shock immediately. Of course I might just be fooling myself into thinking that slowing down my crap intake is doing something and worth continuing, considering that so far the only noticeable effects are that I feel more miserable than normal all day, which was the opposite effect that I wanted.
So okay, what's new with me other than my body staying big and fat but slowly rotting from the inside, hmm. Not much! I've been wanting a lot of books lately. I ate some muffins. Okay that's it I guess.
11:50 a.m. - 10-20-01