I have nothing interesting to say lately, but I really want to add an entry, but I have nothing! I was really stiff today, maybe stressed out (I have some bills due around this time of month, including a big server one, phone bill, the installments on my hair transplant...), and I bent over to pick something up and I frigging felt the worst pain, and now my arm and neck and stuff hurt so much on one side. I am like a 50 year old or something, it's terrible. I really need to start working out, pumping iron, pouring oily lotion all over myself constantly etc. (Right now I only do one of those things, just guess!).
I've gotten really into that crummy gameshow To Tell The Truth, it's so weird. If you told me 2 months ago I'd be watching a show all the time with Paula Poundstone, Meshiach Taylor and sometimes Dave Couiller on it, I would have said "why, are they making Circus of the Stars 1988 into a regular series now?", but that would have been just stupid, because I have learned to love all these people, at least as much as I can without feeling any real emotions (why ruin a multi-year streak). Anyway, that show is hard, I never guess the right person ever.
WHAT AN EXCITING DIARY ENTRY. I have no other news really. Internetwise, lately I made a theme song for diaryland, I started making links on my pitas page again, i wrote some eggposts last week and may do more soon, that is all I think. Happy long weekend Canada, everyone else: haha, suckers.
p.s. If everyone who read this diary entry gave me 10 cents, I'd have a nice sub for dinner, but of course noone will, and that is why I hate you, I think you are cheating me out of decent dinner.
6:13 p.m. - 2001-05-18