Yesterday night I couldn't sleep so I took some Nitol to try and make me tired. As with the other times I've tried that though it didn't really make me any more tired, it just made my sleep a lot deeper when I finally did go off, and it made my head hurt a bit in the morning, which I think is my body's way of going "No, you need at least 15 hours more sleep thanks to the pill!".
So, while I was all zonked out, I got woken up by this crazy low-pitched vibrating noise coming from my desk, which I had never heard. I got up all groggy and tried to figure it out, but I was so so out of it, so I was looking at my (not cluttered) desk and the only thing I could see that made sense were my big headphones, so I moved those. As I was doing that, the sound stopped so I was all happy, and went back to bed. Five minutes later, the same sound started though, and I got up and was so super confused. Anyway, I know you might think this is leading up to some big good conclusion or something, but no, it's not, it's a really crappy story: It turns out I left my pager on the desk and left it set to vibrating mode. And yeah, so it's not really that crazy a story, as I started to write this though I was thinking I might be able to impart my complete groggy confusion, cause it was such a weird feeling. It really was like some big surreal dream where I couldn't really see anything or figure out what was going on but I had to stop the annoying vibrating sound.
I made this cake yesterday, cause you know me, I enjoy a good cake now and then, and it turned out pretty crappy. It was shorter than it shuld have been, I overcooked it just a smidgen, and the texture of the top is kind of weird. I'm pretty disappointed! Of course it's still delicious, because it's still cake, and it made a delicious breakfast snack.
09:07:34 - 2000-03-19