Today is officially frustation day for me. I am not going to go into the 1000 things that have made me angry today, but i want to stress one: I had to order this ultra-cheapo windows PC the other day, and so I had to pick a case for it. I am a mac person, and oh my god, until now I totally took for granted that Apples all look amazing. If you have never tried finding an even semi-decent looking PC case, don't even bother, it is UNPOSSIBLE. If you happen to know one that is ok, link it from my comments below, but oh man, they are all so insanely crappy. Here are the typical ones:
Anyhow, when I was at the computer store, I did notice a poster as i was ordering, and it had the two only PC cases in existence that are not designed by 14 year old boys, but because it is frustration day, I just found out that the store can't actually get them in, which makes me want to cry, because i was so excited about getting a computer that looks like THIS. This was my second choice, but it's not available either, so once again, the world hates me. Oh also, if you ask for one of those cases at the computer store while there are 4 computer store employees/enthusiasts around, you have to pretend that you have a kid and that you are buying the computer for them, it's really embarassing. I am not really sure why I really cared when they all started laughing at me but yeah, that was the highlight of my yesterday, saying stuff like "yeah, the kid will love that, that'd be so good". A pretense I had to follow through with today when I phoned the store to check whether they ended up being able to get the good case or not (I had to make up a lie about why I was calling too, cause just phoning and saying "I just am so excited about that Doggie case that I can't wait a day to see if you got it" is sort of sad).
6:11 p.m. - Oct. 17, 2002