I saw this standup comic last night at amateur night who was the best.
She somehow started talking about Australia, and then she goes "oh remember the Simpsons where they were in Australia?" and then runs through a scene from it, just doing all the parts herself, but she didn't really do any voices or anything, she just kept going "Water.. beer.. water.. beer". And that was it, that was all there was to that bit, just retelling a Simpsons skit. Then she told some more jokes that noone laughed at and then at the end she got the audience to clap along while she sang "the real slim shady" chorus about 3 or 4 times. then, right when everyone was expecting her to make some joke about that, or change the words, or something, she just went "ok i'm done" and left. so fucked up and weird. The best part was she had a tape recorder onstage running with her the whole time, i guess so she could critique herself later, like "hmm, maybe i should sing another song, Slim Shady didn't really get that great a reaction. And next time I re-enact a Simpsons scene in my act maybe I should pick another, because that one only got sort of nervous laughter". Anyway, I really wish I could put her act into words properly, but I can't.
Today I put up a new Diaryland design (not on all the pages yet, but tomorrow it'll be done) and I send out this email to the members on the news list, and I already have received a reply from someone who I think might actually think I spent $2 million on the design, or maybe they are just funny jokers, it's sort of hard to tell. There's no real point to this paragraph, but I didn't feel like leaving this entry with just the above story. I'm going to write some more about amateur night to my notify list (sign up below please!!!) I think.
Okay, I'm done! (clicks off tape recorder).
06:14:35 - 2001-02-07