Joe Millionaire is the shit! And by that I mean the poop that comes out of my bum and onto my undies, but mostly into the toilet (WHERE IT BELONGS).
James / 2003-02-11 12:55:50hahahahahahahahahahaha the sad thing it, i bet half the country will believe and pass on those rumors.
kelly / 2003-02-11 18:12:50hey andrew, you smell good too.
Jessica / 2003-02-11 18:42:20Andrew, I think I am in love with you.
Josie / 2003-02-12 12:01:38Josie, I think I am in love with myself. No wait, hate.
andrew / 2003-02-12 12:09:14dearest andrew. i used to have a copy of your cowboydog song. i recently lost it when my computer needed to be totally wiped clean. i am terribly sad for this loss because i loved that little song so much. please andrew... reply with a way for me to have the cowboydog song back. i miss it =[ aimee
aimee / 2003-02-12 15:42:13shoul dbe at !
andrew / 2003-02-12 16:13:35I just had to say that when I just saw your "I was officially voted all time number 1 diary by the staff and management of!!" banner and right clicked to see who it belonged to... I literally laughed out loud when I saw it was yours. Very, very funny. And true, I'm sure.
the29th / 2003-02-12 17:57:46i too am in love with only wish is that he could write me loves songs as wonderful as the cowboy dog song *sigh* ;)
jessica / 2003-02-12 22:08:38careful what you say about Joe M. viewers. Some of them have diaries here. And some of those PAY you money for Gold and SuperGold Memberships.
joeclub / 2003-02-13 16:16:08Okay first, I said "for the large part", not everyone. I should have been more specific about the types of thing people write about that I find lame (nothing to do with you or your diary). Secondly, I'm not going to change my diary because someone pays me 2.50 for image hosting, and I find the implied threat there to be extremely lame.
andrew / 2003-02-13 16:20:26Sorry, Andrew, we love you. But next time you make a generalization, be sure to add "...except for those chosen few that are an elite member of Dland's very own Joe Club, the most brilliant shining stars on the internet, etc., etc., something about how stunningly attractive most of the female members of Joe Club are, etc., expound on the high intelligence quotient..." Or, you know. Just give a shout out to the Joe Bling-Bling crew. It's all good. (We just want free publicity. FREE! PUBLICITY!)
foxtastic / 2003-02-14 01:57:56i think, just maybe, perhaps just a little bit joeclub is taking this a little too seriously. i could be wrong though. joe needs haircut. it didn't look good on Gaston, it doesn't look good on him.
cookies / 2003-02-14 08:52:10Ha! Neither war nor abortion is important. Only television. And cheese.
JM / 2003-02-14 09:38:05I think Andrew is the King. The King of Television and Cheese. And Also Monkeys. Go Cheese Monkey King!
imaginated / 2003-02-16 15:51:21add your comment: