I had a really good diary entry to make a few days ago, but I couldn't get out of bed to make it and by the time I got up I forgot it. I am of course only remembering it as being really great because I totally forget every part of it, I'm sure it was in reality probably really stupid.
Speaking of bed, I had a dream this morning that I should maybe share. Unlike 90% of "dreams" that people write about online, this one actually happened and I'm not writing it to seem wacky. I am not going to go into great detail, but basically, I was at a Bush concert for god knows what reason, and while they were playing that "breathe in, breathe out" song the guitar player came and gave me a drum to play and I said "you want me to play this drum?" and he said "no, we want you to sing, a lot" really sarcastically. So my only point is: what the hell is wrong with me when members of frigging BUSH are insulting me effectively in my own dreams?
Actually I realize already how incredibly boring that anecdote was, so here is something to make up for it: I was trying to figure out this sound recorder thing the other day and to test it I recorded a bunch of little things that I planned to erase right away, and I didn't really pay attention to what I was saying. Turns out I forgot to erase them, and so here for your unenjoyment are several peeks straight into my subconscious, this is what happens when I am left in an empty room not particularily paying attention to what is coming out of my mouth:
(if these sounds don't work or this entry disappears it's cause maybe i'll get rid of it in a while since the files are somewhat big and this server's monthly bandwidth invoice is a huge huge pain already)(actually no, I guess sometime I will just move these somewhere else but leave the entry up)
4:32 p.m. - Jan. 02, 2002