Just now the following thought occurred to me for no good reason: "Haha, I should tell people I am from England". And then I chuckled out loud to myself. Chuckled! What is wrong with me, god. And I don't even know what that thought meant. I don't know what people I was thinking of telling that, nothing. Just the sound of the sentence in my head I think was funny enough to warrant some chucklish fun.
I ate chicken wings + pizza + garlic bread w/cheese + cake + ice cream (cherry cheesecake something flavour) + chocolate milk last night and got a little sick. Sick enough to be standing in my bathroom going "I wish I could throw up on will", which this kid who was in my school in grade 7+8 (I think. Maybe high school. Andrew has no memory) could do. I remember his last name, but not his first name, cause everyone just called him by his nickname, which was 'Puke'. Anyway, my point is that I really didn't eat much of all the delicious beautiful food last night but man it hit me really hard, and this had two effects:
a) I realized that I had broken my "ok, nothing but healthy eating from NOW ON" vow from 2 days ago (which I also broke the night before at Burger King after I bowled 5 games, most of which I really sucked at).
b) I started thinking: Probably the only reason I didn't feel more pain was because I have built up such a tolerance for bad bad things being in my stomach, and I think if I actually started eating healthy for too long a period of time, I wouldn't be able to take any kind of upset at all. So from now on I'm miseating with a purpose - to be healthy!
I truly rule.
(for coming up with that rationalization)
10:48:09 - 2000-03-06