Oh man, my diary is showing up really high in search results for "Joe Millionaire rumors" in the past day or two, or maybe more people are searching, but I'm getting hundreds of hits for that on my stats page every time I check it, it's wild. So, I decided to change my Joe Millionaire rumors page to see if just maybe I actually can get a real rumor started at least a tiny bit before America forgets him in 2 weeks or whatever. I think my previous entry was better, it's sort of lame that now I'm just out and out lying, but I can't resist, just to get more crazy emails about him if nothing else. And also after looking through a few of the other pages that come up, I have sort of concluded that people who talk about Joe Millionaire on the internet are, for the large part, dumb twits who annoy me (OKAY, to satisfy the trolls, I will change that.. I should have written "people who I HAVE SEEN TALKING about Joe Millionaire on the internet", is that better? It was an offhanded sentence, now go argue and complain about something important like war or abortion). P.S. I have like 6 postcards up for grab right now, and more soon!
12:41 p.m. - Feb. 11, 2003