I have tight pants on! Not super tight, just a bit. I washed these old pants I havethe other day and they shrunk enough that the waist feels a bit tight, but I can still get in. So right now I'm all I don't know, tight feeling, you know? Just tight.
So I was goin through my stats today out of curiosity, and I noticed that people are still coming to my diary. I am happy and everything, bu my god WHY? I am so slack! I'm goin to try to be less slack though, and in that spirit I added a new feature to DiaryLand that you can check out to see when I last updated. If you check out my pitas page (which I have been updated fairly regularily still) you'll notice a new little image at the bottom saying when I last updated my diary. If you have a Diaryland diary you can use the same thing too, just go to add an entry and you'll see how. So yeah, that should be handy so you know when I've updated, and it should be a good impetus for me to start updating regularily again!
Anyway, not much else is new, I have been bowling like a freak for the last few weeks. I was thinking today how nice it would be to be a professional bowler. I was thinking I should do something so I never have to have a computer job again, like smashing my fingers with a hammer, but then I realized that would ruin all the other jobs I'd be okay at: professional bowler, professional banjo player, turkish baths masseuse. So I guess I'll just have to keep killing any chances of a lasting career in the field of computing the same way I alway shave: make everybody hate me!
02:04:31 - 1999-11-22