I was just watching the Pope on TV, because he's in town right now and it's on literally half the channels I get. Also it's so perfect for making extremely lame cracks while watching (girl being interviewed: "He's 86 but he's here surrounded by hundreds of thousands of young people", me: "it's every priest's dream!". Ouch, it's even extra lame when written, without the right tone of voice). Anyhow, the only thing that keeps cracking me up most is this: When did Popemobile become a totally normal word that every news reporter says completely nonchalantly? It's so awesome, all everyone keeps saying is like "And as the Popemobile comes around this turn, it approaches the helicopters", etc., it's so crazy. Also, why are the helicopters not Popecopters? That's a real letdown.
5:35 p.m. - Jul. 25, 2002