Hello! I'm back to updating pretty regularily! Some people might notice that the members area of DiaryLand has changed, I figured out a better way to do the "most recently updated" thing that's a lot more useful, so it's back. Also, in a couple of days there will be a big list of all the members who want their diaries to be public (only about 20% do though, I'm pretty surprised at that, is that just me?). There's a secret preview of it up right now somewhere though, ahem.
Today was a pretty boring day, but I did manage to tape a whole crapload of television. I taped a bunch of shows while I was on the phone with people, I taped some shows while I was watching other shows, and I even taped one show while I watched it, in case I missed anything. I am tape crazy!
On the subject of TV, I have to say, Blind Date is the best show ever. It is so ridiculously good, I can't stand it. If you haven't seen it, basically it films people as they go out on blind dates, and that's it, there's not a lot of pretense about it being anything other than voyeuristic fun really. Sometimes the dates go really well and are boring but the majority of the dates are complete disasters and those are of course the best. The first episode I ever saw had this pretty normal looking guy going out with this completely amazingly good looking girl named Mercedes. The guy turned ou to be just the hugest dork alive and even though he should have been getting super strong signals from the girl that she didn't like him that much he just kept making tons of sexual innuendos that you'd swear were just designed to make the peopel watching feel awkward and uncomfortable (nevermint eh girl herself). My favourite bad bad line of his was something like "So your name is Mercedes? Mind if I check your oil?". That is so beautiful, it really makes me wonder if the whole thing was set up, I can't imagine how anyone could say that for real.
A week or two this used book and CD place near me was going out of business so I bought 15 CDs from them at 3 bucks each figuring that it was worth getting the CDs I wouldn't normally get because it was so cheap, and that I'd really like about half the CDs. Well it turns out I was almost right: All the CDs suck. Okay so I wasn't right, and actually they didn't all suck, but quite a few were pretty dubious. I do love the Wonderstuff CD I got though, I forgot all about them a long time ago, but this is good stuff. As I like to say, THEY'RE A-OK BOSS!
I don't really like saying that.
03:02:27 - 1999-11-23