I put some halloween songs I made on my benicetobears site.. they are not good, but they are free. So that's about all I have to say right now.
Okay, I guess I should write something else, and it seems like all I ever write about is TV lately, so here is one more thing: I am a total sicko, I will admit it: I watch the Martha Stewart Apprentice show most of the time, and somehow they made Donald Trump look like less of a fool by having the most idiotic person ever on it, the old dude who has an unlit cigar in his mouth all the time. I can totally picture this guy, finding out he is going to be on that show and going home to his wife: "Honey, guess what, Martha announced who her sidekicks are going to be on her show today, and I made it! I'm going to be famous, and check out my schtick, I'm going to have an unlit cigar in my mouth at all times, just to make extra sure everyone knows I am the world's biggest dick!". What a clam.
You know it's Halloween cause someone found my diary by searching the internet for "radish eyeballs". Who searches for that??
1:31 p.m. - Oct. 29, 2005