Hi, I am the most boring person alive. I really wanted to have something great and interesting to write here but I don't. I spent almost the entire rebuilding pitas.com from the database crash/loss this weekend. I pretty much have it A-1 now and people can log in again, I just have to email everyone sometime tomorrow and let them know. Because of this messing up my weekend/monday the new features that were going to go online in the past day or two for DiaryLand are now delayed until tomorrow, but the members area, etc, will be ready then, I swear!
So now I have blabbled on for a while about stuff that is pretty boring I don't have much else to say. I bought a bunch of bagels and some jam at about 2 a.m. this morning and was going to eat them, but I didn't. Other than a few nice phone calls that was about the highlight of my boring dreary tedious day. Hawww yeah.
When I really want to wake up early I sleep on the couch, because I don't get quite as comfortable a sleep on it, so I'm more likely to wake up earlier. Pretty pathetic eh?
Update: I just broke the jar of jam I bought when I opened my fridge incorrectly! What a shame!
04:40:41 - 1999-09-28