Wow, it's been a while since I used this diary, I've been sort of busy and sore. It's summer and as you probably know, summer for me consists of three things: boogie-boarding, more boogie-boarding and yet more boogie-boarding. Okay, no, mostly my arms have just been too tired to type. From boogie-boarding!
Not much of note has happened since last time I wrote. I had some stupid thing I said to write about the other day but I forget now. One dumb thing I did was that during a dinner with my family, someone brought up the subject of beanie babies and I said "I want a rabbi Beanie Baby" which wasn't really on-subject. This got me some weird looks and someone just said "what is WRONG with you?", a sentiment that I think sums my life up pretty well. To me, life is just a continuous set of dreams that won't come true, like having a rabbi beanie baby to hang in a rearview mirror, but society just doesn't understand. SOCIETY IS A FRIGGING DISEASE MAN, THEY JUST DON'T *GET* IT! Oops, went a bit goth there, my bad.
Hey, did I already write about how bad everyone hates the saying "my bad" now? Cause they do! So of course I am using it a lot to be a jerk.
Not much else I can think of right now. I will be updating more soon, for real. I think I might make an mp3 too of this song I did yesterday. It's about dogs riding other dogs, etc.
I used to be really into dogs riding bicycles, but now I'm really into little dogs riding big dogs. It's funny what age can do to you. (this is where I look wistfully out the window and the scene fades out while the credits start rolling).
10:03:51 - 2000-09-07