Isn't it lame how a lot of my entries seem to be talking about DiaryLand a fair amount? Or are they? Oh well, either way, if you're a member I have good news, the discussion boards are up and running! If I had one wish this morning, it'd be that everyone would go and post one thing to get it going, since I am way too tired right now to post any more than I already have, so I'm going to take a nap.
I got the Flaming Lips newest album the other day and I listened to it a whole bunch of times tonight, and it is awesome, but it's getting on my nerves. I always wear out albums I like that way, by overplaying them for a few days until I become immune to them.
That's all for me, I think I have about 5 hours in which to sleep before I have to get up, yeeeehaw!
08:27:41 - 1999-09-25