Slow weekend. Slow and low. I bought a new guitar yesterday. My friend was telling me how he went to buy a capo and some strings and ended up buying one of those Danelectro reissues, and I was like "yeah, I keep meaning to get one of those! I need a capo too though!", so I went to get a capo. At the store I saw the Danelectros but wasn't going to get one, until I noticed one that was $140 off because of a thumbprint sized blemish on the finish. The fact noone would buy it because of that is so sad, guitar players are morons. So now I have it, and I realized after that the guy forgot to charge me for my capo too. Kind of neat.
If anyone is reading this who sent me one of those secret admirer cupid things, could you seriously please just tell me? I hate those things, it is so frustrating to try and figure out who sent it to you, and in trying to find out you end up spamming all your friends with annoying mail. So anyway really, if you sent that, just tell me you sent it. The last couple I got I am pretty sure came from people who didn't even know me, which totally defeats the entire purpose, how ridiculous.
Blah blah blah. The Oz/Seinfeld thing on Saturday Night Live last night was the best thing ever. I like root beer. Etc.
17:26:54 - 1999-10-03