My stupid lousy IKEA chair is messed up and I can't really get a new one for a while, and man it's annoying. Unless I sit perfectly steady on it, it just falls downwards, the spring thingy gives out and knocks me downwards. So about half this entry was written while I was looking straight at the computer monitor and trying not to move a millimeter, and half was me looking up at it from 6 inches down and going "argh". Just like that, "argh", I really say that, I pronounce it phonetically. Now and then I slip in an "ugh" or an "urgh" "!@#$!" (which I pronounce as "frizzlefrap!").
So that is all, just commenting on my lousy ikea chair. IKEA make such garbage, even if I did only pay like 30 bucks for this thing.
6:52 p.m. - 2001-05-22