I went to see The Bottle Rockets last night, and the opening act, Bobby Bare Jr. couldn't make it past the border. Was his dad name-checked by Johnny Fever on an episode of WKRP once? I am pretty sure there was some Bobby Bare reference on a good episode of that show once.
Anyhow, so some local opening band played instead. I don't remember their name because they chose one of those names in the form: The Firstname Lastname Noun. You know, like the Jimi Hendrix Experience, except with someone's name that isn't Jimi Hendrix and some word that isn't Experience. If you are in a band, I would highly recommend you follow rule number 1 of being in a band: Don't call your band The Firstname Lastname Noun. It's just too crappy and hard to remember. Either use one person's name (but don't) or have a little creativity and come up with a band name (yeah, do this). This band broke rule #1, and now I don't know who they were. Incidentally, the singer also broke rule #2: You can have an afro, or you can have a tambourine. You can't have both.
9:30 a.m. - Jun. 13, 2006