I don't have an actual list of things to do before I die, but lately I have thought of a few. First and foremost, and I'd actually like to fit this in within the next year if possible, I really want to somehow be in a highspeed chase on horses. I don't know how it'll go down, I'll be angry at someone, they'll be angry at me, who knows, just as long as someone is chasing someone and there happen to be horses around, so we jump on them and the chase continues on horseback. People get to do this in movies all the time, I want to give it a shot.
I've also always sort of wanted to rob a bank (when noone is around, like in the middle of the night). I think it'd be fun. And profitable. This could easily tie into the horseback chase now I think of it. Is using a horse for a getaway vehicle a good idea? Maybe not. Would it be exciting? Probably. Is it going to happen? Count on it.
I wouldn't mind if everyone I know started calling me Senor. Not as a title, just as a nickname. I think that'd be a great nickname. This isn't a thing to do before I die or anything, it'd just be nice if my nickname was Senor. It'd put a little spicy guacamole in my life.
All I can think about for the last hour has been these chicken wings I bought last night on sale, I can't wait to make them. Ever since I bought a smoker, I think about meat way too much. Sometimes I buy a nice looking cut of meat and I just think all night about how I'm going to cook it the next day. I was watching TV a short time ago and I just kept thinking about how good these wings would smell after being in the smoker a while, and how the smoke would look billowing out of the chimney now that I have a bunch of good hardwoord to burn. I'm a smokeomaniac.
1:44 a.m. - Nov. 25, 2005